Cylinders & Thermal Store Heat Batteries Installed By Morrison Plumbing & Heating...

Cylinders and Thermal Store Heat Batteries  are used to store energy for hot water use in the future.

They can do this by holding the heat in a volume of water or a phase changing state. By having heat stored it is possible to supply multiple bathrooms at the same time. These units are available to heat using various sources taking advantage of your preferred energy supplies. 

Things to consider when choosing a Thermal Store Heat Battery...

Heat Battery Pros...

  • Smaller than an equivalent cylinder
  • Less pipework needed to install
  • Stores the energy as a suspended phase change until your ready to use it
  • Compatible with all heat sources
  • A great way to make use of cheap or excess energy  

Heat Battery Cons...

  • Needs time to recharge and set up the phase change
  • Produces hot water instantaneously so can't supply as many outlets as a cylinder
  • Very heavy to install


Things to consider when choosing a Cylinder...


  • Can supply the maximum number of outlets simultaneously
  • Arrives empty and lighter to aid installation
  • Compatible with all heat sources
  • A great way to make use of cheap or excess energy
  • Can recharge as it’s been used


  • Large for the amount of delivered hot water
  • Needs more pipework to accommodate expansion and safety reliefs
  • The heat is lost over several days through the insulation



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